November 29, 2011

DIY Project - Christmas Stockings

Hi Guys,   I am happy that Christmas season is here because it means I get to try out new crafts.  Recently I noticed that the blogs I follow are less and less about fashion and more about crafting.  I am constantly bookmarking pages filled with D.I.Y. crafts 'm eager to try.  My newest endeavor is creating stocking to hang for the holidays.  I am really excited to start this project this weekend.  I am even making a couple for my besties.  Here is the link in case you would like to make a few of your own.  If you do make your own I would love to see how they turn out.

Happy Crafting

~Black Orchid~

November 28, 2011

Etsy Finds

Holiday season is in full swing and that means family, fun and lots of gifts.  Here are a few inexpensive gifts from Etsy to help with your gift giving.

Deals for Her

Deals for Him

Deals for Kids

Happy shopping!

~Black Orchid~

November 25, 2011

How I Spent Thanksgiving

I really LOVE Thanksgiving, so it goes without saying that I had a good day.  I should also say I do NOT cook but I do contribute in other ways.  My day started with lots of cutting and sewing. Usually I handle dessert and drinks but this year I am on a DIY kick so I took on the dinner table decor.  I must say it turned out wonderful!  I really love this final product and  I hope you do also.  Take a look

I started out with a holiday theme in mind but as usual ended up with a more elegant look.  The best part of this ensemble is the cost.  Here it is
Flowers: $24 Wholefoods
Napkin Rings:  $0.50 created from felt and a button Michael's
Pine Cones: $2.99 Michael's
Silver Glitter Spray Paint: $6 Michael's
Blue Snowflake: $4 for 6 Michael's
Table Cloth: $3.00 Michael ( My mom had scrap material which I sewed a decorative ribbon onto for some elegance.)
Napkins: $14 for 12 at Home Goods

In total I would say the entire table was around $50.  Not bad at all

Dinner was great as always, unfortunately we didn't have any leftovers.  I guess this could be a good thing.

After dinner and a nap, I hung with friends.  After getting home after 2am I cleaned the kitchen and took myself to bed.....What a long day!!!

How did you spend you Thanksgiving?

~Black Orchid~

November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Hi all just sending you all Thanks and love on Thanksgiving.  Do Enjoy!

~Black Orchid~

November 22, 2011

Travel Deal

I heart to travel!  I know you're all tired of my saying that but it's true.  Here is another great offer to travel to Europe.

~Black Orchid~

November 16, 2011

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

I have seen Alvin Ailey's American Dance Theater twice and loved both experiences.  The performance last year was particularly amazing because it was the first time I saw the dancers perform Revelations.  I try to infuse a little bit of culture whenever possible.  The problem is usually the cost of attending these events.   Thankfully Goldstar  (a sample sale site for events) currently has a promotion for discounted tickets.  Tickets on Goldstar are discounted from $91-$146 to $46-$68.50.  Additional seating options can be purchased through the Alvin Ailey directly.  Click here for additional info about the Goldstar promotion.  I hope you are able to attend. 

~Black Orchid~

November 15, 2011

I Love to Travel

Though China is one of my least places to visit I do think it is beautiful.  Today there is a deal on Groupon for an all inclusive trip.  If you plan on traveling or would like to travel in January or Febuary this 12 day trip would be perfect.  For $1299 you get  roundtrip airfare, hotel, ground transportation, english speaking guides, most meals, admittance to all sightseeing stops and $30,000 in travel insurance.
Click here to get this deal.

Happy Travels

~Black Orchid~

LL Bean Chic

I recently stumbled upon a site and could not believe my eyes.  I am sure everyone is familiar with the LL Bean clothing company which tends to carry very practical functional items,  however did you know they had a more chic fashionable line?  The Signature line is very chic and cute and I cannot wait until I am off my spending freeze so that I can purchase a few items.  Take a look and let me know what you think.

~Black Orchid~

November 14, 2011

I'm A Slacker!!!!

Saturday I stated that I would be starting my workout routine on Sunday.  Guess what?  That did NOT happen.  NOT only did I not workout on Sunday but I also didn't work out this morning.  I am so ashamed of myself.  It doesn't help that when I look in the mirror I like what I see.  My body is still tight from my wedding workouts.  That being said, I know I need to get it together because soon my eating habits will begin to show. My hope is that I do my workout tonight and stay on track.  Here is my workout for today.  Let me know if you try it.  BodyRock

~Black Orchid~

November 12, 2011

Getting "it" Back

In preparation for my wedding I worked out quite a bit. I changed my eating habits and took 3 months of Bootcamp and the pounds just melted. Actually they melted a little too much because my dress was big the day of the wedding. Anyway, 3 months later and I have gained more than 7lbs. Because my birthday is coming up and I am also playing mas (I will elaborate in another post) this year I need to get back to where I was 3 months ago.
Because I have been so busy I know there is no way I can do the gym thing so I came up with a plan to get "it" back. Tomorrow will be day one of this journey. I really hope I stick to the routines I create and eventually get the results I desire. I will be getting the bulk of my workouts from BodyRockTv. Take a look, she is pretty intense. I plan to set my workouts on Saturday or Sunday so that I know what I am doing for that week.

I hope everyone is happy with their fitness routine and if you don't have one then it's time to think about starting one. Most of our yearly weight gain is accumulated during the winter months...... Something to think about.

Peace and Love

~Black Orchid~

November 11, 2011

A Special Thanks

Many of us are grateful to have the day off, however we often don't think about the reason behind the holiday. However you choose to spend your day remember to take time to thank those who have given their lives for our freedom and those who are currently giving up their freedom so that we can have ours.

~Black Orchid~

November 10, 2011

Hello Lover!

I have been trying to get back to blogging for quite some time now but just haven't found the time. It's not that I don't have the inspiration because I do, I just needed to just do it (as Nike would say). As I scrolled up and down other blogger's blogs I wanted nothing more than to post something new on my blog. The question that I continued to ask myself was "Have I been away for too long?" I hope not.

The past few months have been crazy but also wonderful. If I though I was busy before well now I am. To catch you all up

June: School's out! I completed another year of teaching, applied to graduate school and got accepted.

July: Last minute wedding planning and DIY projects galore! (I will post a few of my creations)

August: Got HITCHED and island hopped for our honeymoon. Hurricane Irene, school started and so did work....UGH

September: Work work and more work!

October: The stress of work and school had me sick almost the entire month.

November: Still working and in school but missing my blog. Thus my return!!!

I am sooo excited to be back. Though I should be grading papers or writing the one due in 5hrs I am happier when I blog. So I'm taking time out to do so.

Here are a few shots of the enjoy.....

P.S. Missed you all so much!!!!!!