June 01, 2010


You know how they say "No news is good news", well I think it's a lie! No news means you're hiding something. It seem that I have something in common with Lindsay, Whitney and Amy Winehouse and I have a confession to make. On May 18th I broke my spending freeze and purchased an item. I started my day like any other but somehow I found my way to Gilt (how fitting) and before I knew it my act of shame had been committed. I have experienced such guilt that I have not even looked at my blog as I felt such shame. It's crazy because I missed so many aspects of blogging including visiting my friend's blog but I felt that if I visited someone else's blog my secret would come to light. As of today I am totally at peace with my spending as I think 4.5 months of not shopping was pretty impressive. That being said, I think the entire experience has been eye opening and I have learned so much about myself. I plan on going on a much longer spending freeze in july which I hope takes me into the following next year.

I can finally visit a few of my favorite blogs and not feel any shame. I am thankful to all of you for your encouragement when I was on the ledge because I wouldn't have made it to 4.5 months without you.

It feels so good to be back.

~Black Orchid~


  1. confession of a shopaholic. Still commendations on the 4.5 months.

  2. You did a good job at not shopping for almost 5 months straight! You have a LOT of catching up to do! lol


Keep your negative energy to yourself. All negative vibes will be returned to sender!!!!!!